
The Importance of Mentorship

The role of a mentor is so important on the road to success. Read this article to see how mentorship can help you in your journey.

Building a Business

Starting your own business can be one of the most fulfilling and exhilarating experiences of your professional life.

The Power of Passion

If you don’t enjoy what you do you’re going to end up living a mediocre and unfulfilling life.

A Long Story Short

Growing up I was just an average kid from an average family, living in average England. There was nothing special about me and I certainly didn’t have any silver spoons.

How to Dress for Success

In the sales industry, not only are you selling premium products or services, but you’re also selling yourself- so it’s imperative to always look your best!

The Close: Episode 8

– Discover how do you enable the mediocre employees? – Learn the best employees to hire: Attitude vs. Experience – How does positive reinforcement affect the growth of your employees All of these and more on this episode! Don’t forget to subscribe, so you don’t miss any of our episodes! http://www.makeithappen.university/wp-content/uploads/podcast/The_Close_EP8_PODCAST.mp3