

I recently wrote an article on COLD LEADS VS HOT LEADS, where I shared some tips on how you can turn cold leads into hot leads in order to experience a better conversion rate. Since then, I’ve had a lot of people ask me how I generate leads for my own business, and how I use videos to do this.

Here’s how I generate thousands of leads with three simple videos:


To build a following of prospective clients online, you’ll need to produce multiple awareness videos. Don’t confuse awareness videos with sales videos. In awareness videos, you are NOT selling yourself, your services or your products. Think about it this way, if you were scrolling through Facebook and an ad popped up of an unknown guy telling you that you should purchase his product, would you click on that ad? Probably not! Firstly, you don’t know who this guy is or what he does, and secondly, you wouldn’t trust him or his product. Trust is earned, and if you want to build a genuine following, then you’ll have to provide as much awareness and value as you can.

You’ll have to produce content consistently so that your audience can see you as often as possible and get to know you. In addition to videos, you should also produce written articles as well as audio podcasts, but my favourite form of media is video. Before I start running ads to advertise my products or services, I do an awareness campaign where I essentially give out free advice or education in the subject that I’m an expert in without expecting anything in return. I would aim to produce six one-minute videos where I educate people free of charge.

Make sure that your videos are relevant to your target market. As I’m sure you know, Facebook allows you to do targeted ads based on things like location, age, and industry, so be sure that your targeting is always on point.


After implementing your awareness campaign, the people that you are targeting will know who you are and what you do. This will go a long way in establishing trust and credibility. The next step would then be to create a sales funnel. I use ClickFunnels (check them out here). 

Essentially for your sales funnel you’d start by producing another video but this time it would be an instructional video where you once again establish who you are and what you do, but then you speak about the problems that you can help solve. You’d typically finish a video like this by saying, “To find out more, click below”. When they click on the link, it’ll take them to a landing page where there will be another video from you thanking them for clicking on the link and then you’d go on to speak about what you want to teach them or offer them and how it’ll benefit them. After watching these videos, your audience should be aware of the problems that you can solve for them. For example, in my case, I teach entrepreneurs how to sell properly. The problem that I solve is getting salespeople to be more efficient, resourceful and successful.

If there is no problem to solve, or if you can’t think of a problem that needs solving then you won’t create a need, and without a need, people won’t buy into what you’re selling.

At the end of this video on your landing page, you could tell people to click on another link below if they’re interested in buying from you (or if they want to learn more). They would then be taken to a page where they would fill in their details (their name, contact number, email address, and what they’re interested in specifically). Once you have all that information, you have a successful lead that you’ll be able to follow up with.


Another way of generating leads is to create an irresistible offer. For example, I’ve got a sales funnel currently running for the bestselling book that I wrote. In the video, I tell people that they can get a copy of my book for free if they pay for postage. If they click on the link, it’ll once again take them through to a landing page where there will be another video where I give some education and knowledge. I then ask them if, in addition to receiving my book, they’d be interested in my online sales university. After filling in their details to receive my book (and inputting their credit card details for the postage fees), they’d then have the option to click through to another page where they can sign up to my university. I offer a 30 day free trial of my university and if for any reason the person isn’t happy they can cancel their subscription.

By giving you their credit card details, they’ve shown a level of commitment from their side. If you were to provide the book for free for example (without them having to pay for the shipping) people wouldn’t be as invested. I only charge 20 Dirhams for shipping, but once a person has imputed their credit card details once, they won’t need to enter them again and so when I then upsell them on the university, all that they’ll need to do is click “buy”. This creates a very seamless psychological process, and it’ll be easier to get people to buy from you this way.

*I hope that the above has helped you realise just how simple it is to generate thousands of leads. If you’d like to learn more, then you can watch my Facebook live where I go into detail on this topic.